Magnifying Glass

AB Direct - Steers

Live: 280.00 FOB feedlot, last week
Rail: 448.50-453.00 FOB feedlot, last week

AB Direct - Heifers

Live: 280.00 FOB feedlot, last week
Rail: 448.50-453.00 FOB feedlot, last week

US Trade- Steers

Live: 210.00 (TX, KN) 212.00-215.00 (IA, NE) last week
Rail: 332.00-335.00 (IA, NE) last week

US Trade - Heifers

Live: 210.00 (TX, KN) 212.00-215.00 (IA, NE) last week
Rail: 332.00-335.00 (IA, NE) last week

Canadian Dollar


Update My Contact Information

Update your contact information to stay up to date with Alberta Beef Producers. You can receive publications like our quarterly print magazine or our monthly e-newsletter.

This information will be used to update our database.

    For Producers:

    An "eligible producer" is a producer who has:

    • during the current or immediately preceding year, paid a Service Charge and Levy to the Commission or to another person on behalf of the Commission,

    • in the case of a producer who is an individual, is a resident in Alberta, and

    • in the case of a producer that is not an individual producer (i.e. a company, partnership etc.), carries on business in Alberta.

    Check all that are applicable:

    If a producer:

    Or Dealer:

    For Non Producers

    For Producers and Non-Producers

    Alberta Beef Producers Privacy Policy

    Alberta Beef Producers is collecting the above information for the purpose of updating their records and the information will be use to:

    1. Record the category of each remitter (Producer, Livestock Dealer or Other);

    2. Record the category of each producer (Cow/Calf, Backgrounder, Feedlot Operator);

    3. Assess, charge, collect and refund the service charge levy;

    4. Maintain a mailing list;

    5. Maintain a voting list for election purposes; and

    6. To communicate with producers, livestock dealers and others to carry out the purposes and intent of the Plan.