Magnifying Glass

AB Direct - Steers

Live: ---
Rail: 450.00 del

AB Direct - Heifers

Live: ---
Rail: 450.00 del

US Trade- Steers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
Rail: ---

US Trade - Heifers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
Rail: ---

Canadian Dollar

March 9, 2021 Checking in with ABP

ABP supports proposed changes to AgriStability

Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) strongly encourages the Government of Alberta to accept the AgriStability changes proposed by Minister Bibeau. In November 2020, Minister Bibeau put forward recommendations that offered the federal portion of funding to remove the Reference Margin Limit (RML) and increase compensation rates from 70 to 80 percent. Over the last few months, ABP has met with Minister Dreeshen on several occasions to discuss the importance of accepting these changes.

ABP supports the proposed changes to AgriStability, as the current program provides limited support to lower cost structure sectors, such as cow calf. Many cow calf operations produce their own feed and have non-arm’s length expenses, which make their operational costs appear lower. The RML prevents these operations from triggering compensation unless they suffer devastating drops in yearly program revenue. Alberta’s beef producers need a more reactive risk management tool that is equitable across all agriculture sectors.

ABP will continue to lobby the Government of Alberta to bring federal dollars to Alberta’s beef sector by accepting these AgriStability changes.

Cattle Report

Updated: 13/03/2025


Live: ---
Rail: 450.00 del


Live: ---
Rail: 450.00 del

Choice Steers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
Rail: ---

Choice Heifers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
Rail: ---

Boner Cows

Over 500 lbs: 269.68

Canadian Dollar

$69.52   0.11

Livestock Price Insurance Index

Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
26-May-25 268 374 --
23-Jun-25 270 370 --
21-Jul-25 262 -- --
18-Aug-25 258 374 --
15-Sep-25 256 378 --
13-Oct-25 254 274 436
10-Nov-25 250 370 432
Last Updated on February 27, 2025