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February 20, 2024 Checking in with ABP

Highlights from the Chair with Brodie Haugan

We received a lot of really good feedback on producers’ experiences with the difficult things the industry is dealing with, like the drought and feed shortages. It’s amazing to hear some of the stories about how far people have gone to make sure they have enough feed or grass, or the tough decisions made to get through another year.

In general, what we heard was producers are having we’re focusing on getting back to the grassroots, and with the representation we do have for our industry. It was reassuring to hear from you that we need to keep ‘fighting the fight’ on your behalf.

We also got to experience and participate in some livestock-oriented events at our five Producer Engagement meetings, and we learned a lot about how we can continue to participate in and support these events.

Discussions at the recent Producer Meetings have centered around the future and drought – what does 2024 have in store? And what have we learned from what we’ve just gone through to ensure security and confidence in whatever programming exists going forward? The message has been to keep pushing for risk management plans that are reactive to what’s happening, timely and actually work.

One such program is Moisture Deficiency Insurance. Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) has made some significant changes to the program, and it is working. I would encourage producers who haven’t used it to take another look at how it could help mitigate risk on the operation. Giving feedback to AFSC on potential adjustments to make it even more applicable across the province is also important.

Something else we look forward to is a pilot project for AgriStability that AFSC is doing this year, specifically for the cow-calf sector. They’ll be diving into 30 participating operations across the province to analyze some changes that could be implemented to make the program work more effectively for beef producers. But we realize making such adjustments will take time, which we don’t have. We need some security in place as soon as possible, knowing 2024 could very likely be a difficult year as well. Even if it
does start raining, grass doesn’t grow overnight.

We are encouraged to see the ongoing assistance from the provincial government and their continued support monitoring the dynamic situation of drought conditions.

Brodie Haugan

In order to rebuild the cow herd, we have to rebuild the grass. One of the initiatives we are working on this year is developing a grasslands policy. It will help provide direction around the continued efforts to preserve and improve native grasslands across our province through producer-developed and led initiatives.

We are encouraged to see the ongoing assistance from the provincial government and their continued support monitoring the dynamic situation of drought conditions. We’ve appreciated their support and the good working relationship we have with their representatives.

I believe we also need a shift in thinking. In the past, we’ve always been so focused on assistance, and whether it’s fair and meets the needs of individual producers, but we’ve lost vision on the bigger picture of overall food security. It needs to become a bigger discussion of how we can ensure a strong beef industry for many years to come.

I’m excited about this year’s AGM because it’s the first year being held in association with the Alberta Beef
Industry Conference, which is hosted by the Alberta Cattle Feeders’ Association, and where the Western
Stock Growers’ Association, Alberta Auction Markets Association and Alberta Livestock Dealers and Order Buyers Association meet as well.

It’s been an incredible year of seeing how the entire beef industry has come together. It began in the spring with all the representatives around the same table discussing traceability regulations. Every ABP board meeting now has representation from the entire beef sector actively participating in all the discussions, including Alberta Cattle Feeders’ Association (ACFA), Western Stock Growers’ Association (WSGA), Alberta Grazing Lease Holders Association (AGLA), Feeders Association of Alberta (FAA), Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA) and Alberta Auction Markets Association (AAMA). It’s been
revolutionary, so I’m really looking forward to the AGM with us all under the same roof. It’s a big accomplishment to have a unified voice, and it’s in the best interest of Alberta producers because everyone is sitting at the table.

2023 will go down in history as a year of volatility in the beef business. The ups and downs were dramatic in both the markets and the weather. We want to learn from that experience, and as an organization, make a meaningful impact to build an industry the next generation actually wants to get involved in and can be successful. To do that, we’re counting on you to be engaged and be heard.
It allows your ABP to move forward, pushing for progress that can help in your beef business.

  • See you at the AGM!

This article was first published in Volume 4 Issue 1 of ABP Magazine (February 2024). Watch for more digital content from the magazine on ABP Daily.

About the Author

Brodie Haugan is a fifth-generation rancher, and Chair of Alberta Beef Producers. Brodie attended the University of Saskatchewan, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in AgriBusiness. Along with his parents and wife, Brodie manages a commercial cow-calf herd in the southeast corner of Alberta near Orion. He also works with several feedlots, backgrounding and finishing both home-raised and purchased cattle. Brodie is a graduate of the Canadian Cattle Young Leaders program, a past board member of the Canadian Cattle Youth Council, and past Finance Chair of ABP.


Cattle Report

Updated: 13/03/2025


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$69.52   0.11

Livestock Price Insurance Index

Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
26-May-25 268 374 --
23-Jun-25 270 370 --
21-Jul-25 262 -- --
18-Aug-25 258 374 --
15-Sep-25 256 378 --
13-Oct-25 254 274 436
10-Nov-25 250 370 432
Last Updated on February 27, 2025