On July 31, Premier Jason Kenney, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Environment and Parks Jason Nixon and Associate Minister of Rural Economic Development Nate Horner, toured the dry conditions facing cattle producers at the Hale Ranch near Bassano, Alberta.
The group, joined by Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) executive and staff, discussed the severe drought situation across the province and what the impacts on agriculture could mean for the beef industry. They saw native rangelands impacted by the drought and failed feed crops, showcasing the feed situation and need for emergency grazing.
In response, Minister Nixon committed to finding opportunities for grazing and haying on public land and the Premier acknowledged the severity of the drought situation.
“Alberta’s government is here for our cattle producers,” said Minister Dreeshen. “We’re working with industry to identify their most pressing concerns and making sure they have the supports they need to make it through this difficult time. We will continue to support the agriculture industry in whatever way we can.”
ABP will continue to work with all levels of government to shape AgriRecovery and related programming to benefit producers.
“I appreciated the opportunity to show Premier, Minister Dreeshen, Minister Nixon and Associate Minister Horner the impacts of drought first-hand. I value their acknowledgement of the severity and urgency of the situation, said Dr. Melanie Wowk, Chair, ABP. “AgriRecovery programming and other initiatives are going to be essential to maintain Alberta cattle herds.”
“I want to thank the Government of Alberta for taking the time to personally experience the drought conditions,” said Brad Dubeau, General Manager, ABP. “On behalf of Western Stock Growers’ Association, Alberta Cattle Feeders Association, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and Alberta Beef Producers, we are looking forward to discussing drought solutions for all producers in the province.”
The Alberta government has also developed a resource page for farming in dry conditions, where you can find information and tools to assist with on-farm business management and production issues related to water, livestock, crop, forage and pasture management.