In Alberta last week, average fed steer and heifer prices closed the week around $276/cwt live, $1.75/cwt higher than the previous week. Fed cattle prices are $56/cwt higher than last year. Light trade was reported last week with dressed sales reported from $456.50-463.50/cwt FOB the feedlot. Cattle that traded were being scheduled anywhere from immediate delivery to the week of February 24th delivery. U.S. packer interest was noted last week, and light volumes of Western Canadian fed cattle were marketed South. Sales to the U.S. were working back to the upper $270’s/cwt FOB feedlot.
With cooler temperatures last week many auction facilities canceled their sales. On a lighter test of the market the Canfax average feeder steer and heifer price was $6/cwt lower. Despite lower prices all classes of cattle continue to hover near all-time record highs. Calf and light weight stocker prices are trading roughly $90-100/cwt higher than a year ago while heavier weight feeders are $50-60/cwt higher than a year ago. Alberta auction volumes were just over 17,000 head, 8,000 head smaller than last year. Canadian feeder cattle exports to the US for the week ending January 15th were 3,215 head.
Last week, Alberta D2 cows traded $2/cwt lower and live trade was reported from $185-205/cwt. D3 cows averaged $173/cwt. For the month of January Western Canadian cow slaughter was the smallest since 2012. Butcher bulls traded $10/cwt lower, averaging $195.50/cwt, with a range from $175-218/cwt. Canadian butcher bull exports to the U.S. for the week ending January 25th were 489 head.