Magnifying Glass

AB Direct - Steers

Live: ---
Rail: 450.00 del

AB Direct - Heifers

Live: ---
Rail: 450.00 del

US Trade- Steers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
Rail: ---

US Trade - Heifers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
Rail: ---

Canadian Dollar

April 4, 2022

TDL applications now processed through DRAS

Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) is changing the way its temporary diversion license (TDL) applications are processed. Effective April 4, the process will move from the use of the Water Act Temporary Diversion License Electronic Review System (WATERS) to the new Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS).

Alberta shifts Water Act licenses to DRAS

This shift is part of a larger move to transform AEP’s regulatory process.

Here’s information provided by AEP:

What is happening?

Effective April 4, 2022, AEP will transition its TDL application process from WATERS to the new Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS), a full lifecycle regulatory system that aligns with AEP’s efforts to transform the regulatory process.

All TDL applications and amendment requests need to be submitted via DRAS.

Please note these changes only apply to TDL submissions regulated by AEP. They do not apply to energy resource related TDL submissions regulated by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER). TDL submissions regulated by the AER will continue to be processed in WATERS.

What is the Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS)?

AEP is modernizing its regulatory system to make the application process more transparent and efficient—all while maintaining high environmental standards. In June 2021, AEP launched the first stage of DRAS, a new digital system, which helps support economic development and reduce unnecessary red tape.

Designed to provide clear, upfront expectations to applicants, the digital system will be used to manage the entire life cycle of a project from application to authorization, monitoring and compliance reporting, to remediation and closure.

DRAS is being rolled out in stages throughout 2021 to 2023 and will eventually move all applications online, supporting all authorization types managed by AEP under the Water Act, Public Lands Act and Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.

What do I need to do?

To ensure you can efficiently complete TDL submissions, make sure you have set up your MyAlberta Digital ID (MADI) profile in DRAS. If you have not used DRAS before, ensure you log in to DRAS using your MADI or MyAlberta Digital ID for Business (MADI-B) and complete your profile setup.

IMPORTANT login changes from WATERS

Business users (legal entities) should have a MADI-B account for their DRAS profile. Your MADI/MADI-B profile is linked to your authorization. If you want an authorization issued to your business, you will need to use your MADI-B account to apply for it.

Your MADI/MADI-B profile is linked to your activities, so you can track applications, authorizations and other form submissions. You are also able to delegate authorities to others to work on submissions on your behalf.

Do I need to resubmit my TDL applications in DRAS if my applications were submitted in WATERS before end of day March 30, 2022?

You do not need to resubmit any applications in DRAS if your applications were submitted in WATERS before end of day March 30, 2022. Any applications you have already submitted in WATERS will continue to be reviewed and managed in WATERS. From April 4, 2022, onward, any new TDL applications will need to be submitted via DRAS.

Will my applications or authorizations issued in WATERS be moved to DRAS?

There will be no data moved from WATERS to DRAS. After April 4, 2022, you will continue to see your previously issued authorizations and any pending TDL applications submitted on or before March 30, 2022, in WATERS.

Are there changes to how I report water usage on my approved TDL applications?

Any TDLs that were issued via WATERS will continue to require reporting in the Water User Reporting System (WURS). Any TDLs that are issued via DRAS will report directly in DRAS.

Where can I find further information?

Training sessions are available for anyone interested in learning more about this change and DRAS functionality. Visit the Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS) information page on to read more and register for upcoming sessions. The following sessions are available for registration:

  • MADI and MADI-B Training
    • Information and a more detailed exploration of using MADI and MADI-B to access DRAS, including setting up delegates in DRAS.
  • TDL Training in DRAS
    • Step-by-step instructions on drafting and submitting TDL applications in DRAS.

Should you have questions about the changes to submitting and managing your TDL applications and authorizations, you can register for an upcoming session, submit a ‘Get Help’ request via the DRAS portal or send an email to

Cattle Report

Updated: 13/03/2025


Live: ---
Rail: 450.00 del


Live: ---
Rail: 450.00 del

Choice Steers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
Rail: ---

Choice Heifers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
Rail: ---

Boner Cows

Over 500 lbs: 269.68

Canadian Dollar

$69.52   0.11

Livestock Price Insurance Index

Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
26-May-25 268 374 --
23-Jun-25 270 370 --
21-Jul-25 262 -- --
18-Aug-25 258 374 --
15-Sep-25 256 378 --
13-Oct-25 254 274 436
10-Nov-25 250 370 432
Last Updated on February 27, 2025