By Lisa Guenther, Editor, Canadian Cattlemen
The recent article in Time proclaiming cows as the new coal must have been discouraging to ranchers and beef farmers, never mind the segment on CBC’s The Current that included cutting red meat as a way to fight climate change.
At one point on The Current, Lloyd Alter, who has a background as an architect and real estate developer, talked to a couple about everything from how they could make their house greener (makes sense, given his background) to cutting red meat from their diet. I’m not sure why Alter thinks he’s qualified to give anyone advice on what they should eat, but he joins a long list of armchair experts on this subject.
The man in the segment pushed back a bit. “I can put vegetables on my bacon cheeseburger,” he said.
I found this whole exchange very interesting. Obviously, this guy did not want to cut red meat from his diet, and why should he? To this man, I say: “Enjoy your cheeseburger, sir, and don’t let anyone guilt you about it.”
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