By Dr. Rebecca Purc-Stephenson for the Alberta Farm Mental Health Network
We’ve all felt anxious at one point or another in our lives. It’s a very normal reaction to stress. It’s feeling worried, panicked, fearful, and uneasy about a future concern. We might even feel faint, sweaty like our heart is racing, or we have legs that feel like jelly.
Because these feelings can be so unpleasant, our anxiety can lead to us avoiding certain situations.
Now, in some situations, anxiety can be beneficial. It might alert us to certain dangers in our environment, and it can help us prepare and pay attention to keep ourselves and others safe.
But when anxiety extends beyond that typical nervousness we might feel from time to time and starts interfering with our day-to-day activities, it might be a warning sign of something to be concerned about.
‘What We’re Reading‘ is a quick look at some of the issues and insights Alberta Beef Producers’ content creators and editors are reading to stay up-to-date, to broaden perspectives, and to explore issues relevant to the agriculture industry.