The Alberta SPCA, in collaboration with the former Alberta Farm Animal Care (AFAC) Board of Directors is pleased to announce plans for the future of the AFAC ALERT Line.
With the dissolution of AFAC underway, effective March 21, 2024 calls to the ALERT Line will be answered by the Alberta SPCA.
“We are pleased to have the opportunity to sustain the ALERT Line though the support of the Alberta SPCA to ensure continuity for livestock and the people who care for them in the province,” said AFAC Board Chair Merna Gisler.
“While AFAC itself may be dissolved, we’re aware there may be many Albertans who still have the ALERT Line number close at hand. We don’t want to leave any opportunity for those people to be unclear of who to call if they need to report animals in distress. Therefore, we felt the natural solution would be to transfer the responsibility for the line to the experts at the Alberta SPCA,” she added.
“The Alberta SPCA recognizes the good work AFAC has done to promote animal welfare in the province, and while we are disappointed about it shutting down, we are encouraged the public will still have the opportunity to use the ALERT Line,” said Alberta SPCA Board Chair Doug Sawyer.
“This is another great opportunity for the Alberta SPCA to connect with rural Albertans when they need us,” Sawyer added.
Many of the producer groups and other community stakeholders who supported AFAC are working to share the message about the transition.
“As a community, we value the significant role the ALERT Line played in the province. Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is pleased to see the transition of this line to the Alberta SPCA,” said ABP Chair Brodie Haugan.
While the ALERT Line will remain operational for the time being, transitioning your contact information to the Alberta SPCA will ensure you always have access to someone who can help. To report an animal in distress, outside of the cities of Edmonton and Calgary, call the Alberta SPCA at 1-800-455-9003.