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March 1, 2022

Simmering the benefits of Alberta Beef with bone broth

No bones about it, bone broth is trending because of the strong demand from today’s consumers who are enjoying it in soups and teas for its savoury, nourishing and healing qualities. 

The demand for beef bone broth is trending with our beef customers for its nutritional benefits. (Corey Meyer/Acme Meats)

Bones are the most nutritious part of the animal. Rich in protein, collagen and gelatin, bone broth has been used for thousands of years as a healing tonic and in a digestive support system. It was a common staple of generations before, and it is most definitely a growing and renewed trend at the meat counter.

Today’s consumer is highly conscious of the role that diet plays in our health. I often have customers referencing this “new” thing called bone broth, when in fact, it has been around for centuries. Regardless, it has been coming back with a vengeance the past couple of years. To the point where it’s difficult to keep bones in stock to meet the giant upswell in demand for them to make bone broth at home.

What is really great about this growing trend is the fact that we are fully utilizing all of the value of the beef carcass, using the off-cuts like knuckle bones, or for a denser broth, marrow or what we call pipe bones. 

Although the demand for Alberta beef bones remains strong all year long here at Acme Meats, the high season is in the winter months starting in January aligning with cold and flu season, which is no coincidence as it is sought after for its healing benefits. Perhaps one positive that we can attribute to COVID is a return to the concept of food as medicine, and consumers are returning to the staples as they are more cognizant of that. 

How to Make Beef Bone Broth

Although bone broth hasn’t always been trending, it has always been delicious. Made from roasted bones, beef bone broth is rich in protein, collagen and gelatin. Cooked for hours, the goal is to not only extract the gelatin but also to release its nutritious minerals. 

  1. Start with Alberta Beef Bones – a mix works well that includes marrow, knuckle and/or short ribs or oxtail. Add sliced carrots and onions, and garlic and place all on a baking sheet or roasting pan. 
  2. Roast at 450° F for 40 minutes to enhance the richness and flavour of the broth – tossing halfway through.
  3. Bring Broth to a Simmer – fill a large pot with roughly 12 cups of water, add two celery stalks, bay leaves, two tablespoons of black peppercorns and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Scrape the roasted bones and vegetables into the pot along with remaining juices from the roasting process. Add additional water if necessary to cover the bones and vegetables. Bring the covered pot to a gentle boil. Reduce the heat to a low simmer, and be sure to leave the lid slightly ajar.
  4. Let Simmer for 24 Hours … or more the longer you simmer the broth, the better your stock will be. 
  5. Strain and Enjoy – strain the broth, discarding vegetables and bones. Allow to cool in the refrigerator. Fat will solidify on top after cooling, so skim as desired. Season and sip the broth and enjoy the savoury and nourishing benefits or use as a base for other cooking options like sauces or soups. 

This article was first published in Volume 2 Issue 1 of ABP Magazine (January 2022). Watch for more digital content from the magazine on ABP Daily.

About the Author

Corey has worked as a butcher at ACME Meat Market in Edmonton since 1996, and ACME has served customers since 1921. Known as “Corey the butcher,” this beef guy is an outspoken industry supporter and member of Canada’s Team entry in the World Butchers Challenge.



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