Magnifying Glass

AB Direct - Steers

Live: ---
Rail: 460.00 del

AB Direct - Heifers

Live: ---
Rail: 460.00 del

US Trade- Steers

Live: 202.00-203.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: 320.00-322.00 (NE)

US Trade - Heifers

Live: 202.00-203.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: 320.00-322.00 (NE)

Canadian Dollar

Agriculture and Bioresources student Megan Wasden (Submitted to USask)
September 14, 2021 Trailblazers

What We’re Reading | USask Research: Finding feed solutions for drought conditions

With a history dating back more than a century through five generations of Métis farmers, Megan Wasden has a deep appreciation and connection to the land.

By James Shewaga

“The land is very special and very important to us, and that is a big part of being Indigenous,” said the University of Saskatchewan (USask) Master of Science student in the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. “Our land that we still farm on has been in our family for over a hundred years and I plan to keep it in the family for many more generations. So it’s very important and very special to me. We have farmed this land for many years and we have to keep producing off of it, so we have to treat it with respect for it to continue giving back to us.”

As this year’s drought conditions affected producers throughout the province, including dramatically reducing available feed for cattle ranchers, Wasden was working daily searching for more sustainable and hardier forage options that can survive and thrive in low moisture conditions. Wasden’s work—under the guidance of her graduate supervisor Dr. Bart Lardner (PhD)—has been centred at USask’s Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence, with her research drawing attention from fellow scientists and producers alike.

Read More

‘What We’re Reading’ is a quick look at some of the issues and insights Alberta Beef Producers’ content creators and editors are reading to stay up-to-date, to broaden perspectives, and to explore issues relevant to the agriculture industry.

Cattle Report

Updated: 14/02/2025


Live: ---
Rail: 460.00 del


Live: ---
Rail: 460.00 del

Choice Steers

Live: 202.00-203.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: 320.00-322.00 (NE)

Choice Heifers

Live: 202.00-203.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: 320.00-322.00 (NE)

Boner Cows

Over 500 lbs: 261.20

Canadian Dollar

$70.67   0.31

Livestock Price Insurance Index

Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
14-Apr-25 262 366 --
12-May-25 26 364 --
9-Jun-25 272 364 --
7-Jul-25 264 -- --
4-Aug-25 258 -- --
1-Sep-25 254 370 --
29-Sep-25 250 368 --
Last Updated on January 17, 2025