Applications for phase two of the 2021 Canada-Alberta Livestock Feed Assistance AgriRecovery initiative are set to open the first week of January. In phase two, producers can apply for additional compensation (a secondary payment) to help cover extraordinary costs over and above the phase one initial payment.
This two-phased AgriRecovery initiative, which began in September 2021, helps Alberta’s livestock producers address the extraordinary costs incurred due to reduced grazing capacity in 2021 caused by prolonged dry weather and extreme high temperatures. The response provides support and cash flow for Alberta’s livestock producers and beekeepers to cover extraordinary expenses incurred to feed their livestock.
The secondary payment will be calculated using a feed-need calculation, supplemented by proof of eligible expenses, for all livestock with the exception of bees. Proof of expense, if requested by the initiative’s administration, can be receipts or other supporting documentation.
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