It’s a tale as old as time: producers have a bag of extra tags laying around the barn “just in case.” But when activated tags are only used every once in a while, and the data associated with that tag isn’t updated properly, the impact is felt down the line, well after that cow has left the farm.
“Issues arise when feeder calves are inducted into a feedlot bearing a CCIA tag with the wrong date,” says Casey Vander Ploeg, Vice-President of Alberta Cattle Feeders’ Association (ACFA). “At next calving season, the tag is placed but is a year old. If this wrongly dated tag is not caught and corrected when the feeder is placed in the feedlot, then it carries that tag all the way to the processing plant. When the animal is scanned at the plant, the animal appears one year (or more) older than it actually is. Because tag reads typically trump a “toothed” read or “dentition” read, the cattle feeder is discounted heavily for that animal.”
According to CCIA, there are some best practices to adopt when it comes to age verification:
If you have age verified tags that have not been applied or age verified tags with incorrect information, learn how to deactivate the event and correct the information:
By transaction (when the whole group of tags is incorrect) | By tag | By File Upload
After correcting tag information, check the transaction to ensure the updates completed successfully. If there are errors, CCIA likely needs to remove subsequent events for the deactivation to complete. Please call 1-877-909-2333 or email
This article was first published in the November 2021 edition of ABP Magazine. Watch for more digital content from the magazine on ABP Daily.