Show your Alberta Beef pride! You can now purchase ABP-branded items at our newly launched online store. Find caps, BBQ tools, steak knives, tumblers, and more! Plus, order our 4-H and classroom educational packages (digital and physical) in one convenient place. Visit the store
The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) has released an updated grandfathering policy for confined feeding operations in Alberta. Operational Policy 2023-1: Grandfathering (Deemed Permit) replaces two previous policies (2016-5: Determining Deemed Capacity for Grandfathered CFOs and 2016-6: Public Notice for Grandfathering Decisions) with a single combined policy. The new policy provides greater transparency and will…
The Alberta NAWMP Partnership is pleased to announce the Landowner Guide to the Alberta Wetland Policy is now available! The Landowner Guide to the Alberta Wetland Policy helps landowners understand their rights and responsibilities when working in and around wetlands on their farm or ranch under Alberta’s Wetland Policy. If you have wetlands on your property, or if you…
It is no surprise that Canada’s beef industry continues to focus on the engagement of young entrants into the beef industry, whether that be grassroots producers, future leaders of our national and provincial organizations, or industry partners along the value chain. The Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency continues to diversify its youth strategy with the addition…
Alberta Beef Producers, in partnership with the Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence (CBCE), was proud to host “Home for Dinner” events at Ronald McDonald House Canada (RMHC) locations in Calgary and Edmonton. The two events in March provided home-cooked meals for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House while requiring medical or hospital care or…
Farmers in Alberta use about 2,000 tonnes of grain bags and approximately 2,200 tonnes of plastic baler twine annually. These plastic tools are essential in today’s farming operations—grain bags to temporarily store harvested grains, and twine to bind crops for storage and transport. But managing these plastics after use has been challenging for many farmers….
Public and Stakeholder Engagement, along with funding and in-kind partners, are excited to announce the launch of The Guardians Grazing Game, an online grazing simulation designed for students in grades 7-10. Participants learn how cattle benefit carbon sequestration and wildlife habitat through rotational grazing in both native grasslands and tame pastures. By moving cattle at…
This is the second in a series of articles highlighting a selection of ABP-supported research projects that were featured at our Research Showcase in February 2023. Find the first article here. In 2017, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced new livestock transport regulations were coming, prompting criticism that became a common refrain: the new…
In 2014, I asked cow-calf producers if they thought hard calvings (i.e., dystocia) were painful, and the majority agreed. Over the years, the use of pain control for hard calvings, for the cow and the calf, has increased. Calves that experience hard calvings are known to have decreased viability, taking longer to stand, walk, and…
“The core objective of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) National Cattle Identification program is to create a system whereby every bovine animal sold by its original owner, and leaving its herd of origin, bears a unique identification number. That unique identification number will remain with that animal until it is slaughtered and after slaughter will…
This is the first in a series of articles highlighting a selection of ABP-supported research projects that were featured at our Research Showcase in February 2023. When Gleise Medeiros da Silva arrived at the University of Alberta after finishing her Ph.D. in Florida, she was frequently asked how she would survive Edmonton’s frigid winters. This…
Alberta AgriSystems Living Lab is looking for producers to complete the Adoption of Beneficial Management Practices Survey. This survey will help determine the baseline rates of adoption of specific beneficial management practices (BMPs) among farmers and ranchers in Alberta that have impacts on profitability, productivity, carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions. Who should participate in…