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February 10, 2024 Checking in with ABP

2023 Annual Report: Public and Stakeholder Engagement

The Public and Stakeholder Engagement (PSE) program, jointly delivered by the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) and Canada Beef, delivers national public trust issue management and proactive content on the societal benefits of raising beef cattle in Canada.  

Issues Management  

Together with the BCRC, the PSE team partnered with Dr. Philip Griebel from the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO)  to write an article for the Canadian Cattlemen’s Magazine about mRNA technology for livestock vaccines. Biosecurity guidelines for international visitors were updated and provided to the conference organizers planning on-farm events (IFAJ, BIF). Various letters were written for and on behalf of industry stakeholders in response to misleading information on the climate impacts of cattle and eating beef. This resulted in a retraction of materials from one Alberta online based educational program.  

Beef Industry Advocacy  

Introduction to Media Training was provided in the spring and fall for 20 industry stakeholders including primary producers, veterinarians, researchers, and academics. PSE held beef advocacy presentations for producers attending public facing events, like the Meet a Rancher series at Save-on Foods. The Beef Advocacy Canada program, which equips industry stakeholders for public facing events and outreach, marked 100 graduations this year. Lastly, a crisis communications tabletop exercise was hosted by PSE, with over 35 participants from both provincial and national cattle associations. The exercise fostered industry relationships and collaboration, building trust and skill sets to ensure industry preparedness in the future.  


PSE is a member in the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity which includes access to the Public Trust Survey each year. 2023 is the third year of partnering with the Global Meat Alliance, which brings fosters collaboration and alignment on global issues management and events like the United Nations’ climate change conference, COP. Amie Peck, PSE Manager, continues to chair the Communications Council at the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef which hosts a Communications Summit each fall.  

Consumer Perception Research  

PSE conducted consumer research in July 2023, as part of the three-year strategy cycle, which informs proactive consumer campaigns, identifying must-win audiences and ensuring key messages are resonating. Results included an increase in the percentage of Canadians that have excellent or very good opinions of beef farmers and ranchers, from 68% to 70%. Participants ranked beef as the healthiest source of protein. Consumption levels remained steady from 2020 and 28% of Generation Z respondents said they are looking to increase their meat consumption. A full presentation on the findings can be viewed here.  

Public Outreach  

A grazing simulation game was launched into Alberta classrooms in March of 2023. The Guardians of the Grasslands game, based on the award-winning short film, connects players to the societal benefits of grazing cattle on grasslands. It is curriculum linked for students in grades 7-11 in Alberta.  

Currently, 27 schools across Alberta have registered on the game platform and more than 2700 users have played the game online. In a partnership with Ag for Life, the game is available for classroom workshops and featured in their Know Your Food trailer, estimated to see 25,000 students per year. A shorter version of the game, for public audiences, was exhibited at large events like Aggie Days and the Calgary Stampede. It will be featured at Farm Fair and Agribition this coming winter.  

In earned media, CTV News ran a story on the game across Canada, garnering an estimated reach of over 12.4 million. CBC News ran an extensive feature which included broadcast television and radio coverage, with a reach of 15 million, while the print and digital article reach was estimated at 16.2 million. The earned media coverage has helped to raise awareness of the game but also amplified the key messages on the benefits of raising beef cattle with the Canadian public.  

On social media, a Canada-wide influencer campaign saw chefs, foodies and media visiting farms and ranches to discover the environmental benefits of raising beef cattle in Canada. The campaign was called Good for You, Great for the Environment and resulted in close to 700,000 video views across Instagram and YouTube. Another first for the PSE program was the launch of our own Instagram and TikTok channel aimed at building public trust in the way beef cattle are raised. 

Finally, the campaign work of PSE and its partners won several accolades this past year. The Cooking by Degrees campaign received Best Public Campaign at CAMA and PSE’s Too Close to Home film received a Certified of Merit. Our third short documentary, Reduce, Reuse, Ruminate, which will launch publicly in the spring of 2024, has already been selected for the Ceres Food Film Festival in New York City.  

For the 2023-2024 fiscal year, PSE will be operating with a $849,000 budget, of which $212,000 is allocated to Canadian Beef and the remaining $637,000 is administered through CCA.  


  • 100 graduates of Beef Advocacy Canada  
  • Guardians of the Grasslands Game has 54 total school registrations and 2700 student plays

Earned Media:  

  • Broadcast tv reach:  12.4 million  
  • CBC Radio: 15 million  
  • Print / Digital articles:  16.4 million  


  • 20 producers and industry representatives through Introduction to Media Training 


  • Reduce, Reuse, Ruminate short documentary chosen for Ceres Food Film Festival in New York City 
  • Cooking By Degrees wins for Best Campaign, directed at the Public at CAMA 2022 

This message was originally posted in Alberta Beef Producers’ 2023 Annual Report. You can find the PDF of the report here.

About the Author

The Public and Stakeholder Engagement (PSE) operates as a division of the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) but is funded by the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off. PSE aims to deal with consumer-facing issues related to beef production in Canada and maintain public trust in the Canadian beef industry.

Cattle Report

Updated: 11/03/2025


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Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
26-May-25 268 374 --
23-Jun-25 270 370 --
21-Jul-25 262 -- --
18-Aug-25 258 374 --
15-Sep-25 256 378 --
13-Oct-25 254 274 436
10-Nov-25 250 370 432
Last Updated on February 27, 2025