Magnifying Glass

AB Direct - Steers

Live: 285.00-292.00 FOB feedlot
Rail: 455.00-460.00 del

AB Direct - Heifers

Live: 285.00-292.00 FOB feedlot
Rail: 455.00-460.00 del

US Trade- Steers

Live: ---
Rail: ---

US Trade - Heifers

Live: ---
Rail: ---

Canadian Dollar

June 11, 2024 Checking in with ABP

2024 AGM Recap

Attendees heard updates from ABP staff; elected the 2024 Board of Directors, CCA and Beef Cattle Research (BCRC) representatives; saw discussion on resolutions; and had the privilege of hearing from the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, RJ Sigurdson.

ABP 2024 Financial Resolutions

F-1: Be it resolved the 2022-2023 ABP audited financial statements and auditor’s report be accepted.


F-2: Be it resolved the firm of Kingston Ross Pasnak chartered accountants be appointed as auditors for 2023-2024 year-end audit.


ABP 2024 AGM Resolutions

AGM-1 SW Zone: Be it resolved ABP Lobby the Provincial Government to increase the age limit to 45 years of age or to new ag purchasers regardless of age and lengthen the loan term incentive to 10 years while increasing the maximum borrowing limits to 2 million per individual.


AGM-2 NE Zone: Be it resolved That ABP supports and promotes initiatives that enhance young ranchers and farmers ability to purchase and/or finance cattle purchases with limited equity to back cattle loans.


AGM-3 Central Zone: Be it resolved that Auction Markets make it an option to pay via direct deposit or by traditional methods. Paper cheques have to still be an option available the day of the sale.


AGM-4 SE Zone: Be it resolved that ABP lobby the Alberta Government to amend the Veterinarian Professional Act – Statutes of Alberta, under Scope of Practice – Section 2(2) to include in the exception “Any person engaged in pregnancy testing of cattle.”


AGM-5 SW Zone: Be it resolved that ABP work with the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association/ Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, CCA, the Alberta Government and Federal Government to investigate the addition of section (d) to 21.1 bi-law to “Streamline” Large Animal Veterinarians who would like to bypass small animal training.


AGM-6 NE Zone: Be it resolved that ABP lobby for a Provincial / National Health Care Program to help with the costs. A health care Insurance inclusiveness on mind, similar to small animal insurance programs.


AGM-7 Central Zone: Be it resolved that ABP lobby AFSC to reinstate spring moisture in its MDI program.


AGM-8 Central Zone: Be it resolved that ABP lobby the Alberta Government to expand grazing opportunities in the north.


AGM-9 NW Zone: Be it resolved that ABP along with Alberta Grazing Leaseholders Association (AGLA) and Northern Alberta Grazing Association (NAGA) advocate to the Alberta Government that grazing lands are fully utilized for grazing purposes.


AGM-10 NW Zone: Be it resolved that ABP work with Alberta Grazing Leaseholders Association (AGLA) and Northern Alberta Grazing Association (NAGA) (Grazing Groups) to advocate to the Alberta Government to review qualification of ownership of grazing dispositions.


AGM-11 Central Zone: Be it resolved that all grazing lands be treated in a fair and equitable basis when ABP lobbies for environmental benefit recognition.


AGM-12 NE Zone: Be it resolved that ABP work with and encourage the Provincial Government to consider the value of grazing as a risk mitigation tool to help control wildfires, and within this context look at expanding public lands available for grazing.


AGM-13 NE Zone: Be it resolved that ABP ensure beef producers are adequately compensated, incentivized and/or supported for the sustainable beef product they are creating.


AGM-14 SW Zone: Be it resolved that ABP petition the Alberta Government to extend ABP by-law 11.8 to allow landowners alternative seasons or methodology to cull wildlife on pasture for winter grazing, swath grazing, and haystack yards outside of the already posted hunting seasons and during non daylight hours.


AGM-15 SW Zone: Be it resolved that ABP examines the Cost of Production formula used by the Dairy sector to ensure revenue from the sale of beef on dairy is included in the cost of production calculations.


AGM-16 SW Zone: Be it resolved that ABP as a member of CCA, align with other member organizations to have CCA better inform and engage producers on the current grassland initiative and on the defined parameters of the initiative.


AGM-17 SW Zone: Be it resolved that ABP as a member of CCA, align with other member organizations and industry stakeholders to have CCA park the Grassland initiative until such time that a clear and concise strategy can be communicated to the member organizations.


AGM-18 NE Zone: Be it resolved that ABP advocate for an update to the Canadian Cattle Association mission statement to properly represent the structure of their membership organization.


AGM-19 Central Zone / SW Zone: Be it resolved that ABP move to regional multi-zone producer meetings that allow any producers regardless of their home zone, from across the province the freedom to attend any regional meeting and vote on any presented resolutions.


AGM-20 SW Zone: Be it resolved that ABP take the necessary steps to return to a fully funded Industry resulting in mandatory check off.


ABP 2024 Board of Directors Resolutions

B-1 Central Zone: Be it resolved that Canada advocate for the removal of all present restrictions and reporting requirements currently in effect due to BSE.


B-2 Central Zone: Be it resolved that ABP explores ways to work with commercial and seed stock producers, genetic companies, researchers and applied research associations and funders like RDAR to gather mass data and identify superior genetics in a non-biased way. I believe a collaborative approach would benefit all stakeholders and ABP could be in a position to facilitate this.


B-3 Central Zone: Be it resolved that ABP lobby the Provincial Government and Federal Government to ban lab grown meats or feed from being produced in Canada or imported.


B-4 Central Zone: Be it resolved that ABP advocate to the Alberta Government and AFSC to explore options to lengthen the purchase period.


B-5 NE Zone: Be it resolved that ABP lobby on behalf of producers to secure our right to access surface and deep-water wells and dug outs.


B-6 NE Zone: Be it resolved that ABP develop a provincial and national climate program that promotes existing grassland habitat carbon reimbursement program.


B-7 NE Zone: Be it resolved that ABP develop a committee consisting of all cloven-hoofed animals including wildlife species to develop an emergency response plan with the CFIA and to have a definite date of completion.


B-8 NE Zone: That ABP lobby the government to change the wildlife damage program to include extended grazing systems and eliminate the end date of Oct 31st.


B-9 SW Zone: Be it resolved that ABP starts to inform the public on the benefits of C02 as a positive showcasing the benefits of the Carbon Cycle and how beef production plays a role in our quality of life.


This article was first published in Volume 4 Issue 2 of ABP Magazine (June 2024). Watch for more digital content from the magazine on ABP Daily.

About the Author

This post was a team effort by Alberta Beef Producers' directors, delegates, and/or staff. ABP works to keep Alberta's beef and cattle producers informed and engaged. Take a look around ABP Daily for regular, real-time information ranging from market reports to the latest updates from our efforts and initiatives here at ABP. Or head to, our steadfast resource hub, for everything from check-off downloads to educational resources.


Cattle Report

Updated: 27/03/2025


Live: 285.00-292.00 FOB feedlot
Rail: 455.00-460.00 del


Live: 285.00-292.00 FOB feedlot
Rail: 455.00-460.00 del

Choice Steers

Live: ---
Rail: ---

Choice Heifers

Live: ---
Rail: ---

Boner Cows

Over 500 lbs: 270.57

Canadian Dollar

$70.15   0.12

Livestock Price Insurance Index

Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
26-May-25 268 374 --
23-Jun-25 270 370 --
21-Jul-25 262 -- --
18-Aug-25 258 374 --
15-Sep-25 256 378 --
13-Oct-25 254 274 436
10-Nov-25 250 370 432
Last Updated on February 27, 2025