Magnifying Glass

AB Direct - Steers

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Rail: 450.00-455.00 del

AB Direct - Heifers

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Rail: 450.00-455.00 del

US Trade- Steers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
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US Trade - Heifers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
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Canadian Dollar

Photo Credit: Canadian Cattle Young Leaders
June 8, 2023 Checking in with ABP

Canadian Cattle Young Leaders Spring Forum a success

Last week, the Canadian Cattle Young Leaders (CYL) mentorship program hosted its annual Spring Forum to offer unique learning and networking opportunities to the next generation of beef industry leaders.

Held in Calgary, Alberta and the surrounding area, this year’s forum took place from May 30 to June 1, 2023. This annual event brings together the program’s 16 participants from across Canada, between the ages of 18 to 35, for three days of industry tours, classroom learning sessions, and networking events.

Speakers and session topics covered included building your personal and professional brand, leadership opportunities within the Canadian beef industry, improving animal welfare by investing in ourselves and our teams, and the latest innovations in precision agriculture technology.

A new addition to this year’s forum was a Succession Planning Case Study Competition. Young leaders paired into teams and were provided with an example farm situation and financials. This provided hands-on financial literacy and problem-solving experience, while preparing a transition plan to present to a panel of judges.

Young leaders also embarked on a series of tours in the Calgary and foothills area. These tours allowed participants to explore the beef supply chain and learn about innovative sustainability practices with a visit to local cow-calf farms and ranches, a feedlot tour, and a processing facility tour.

“By empowering and equipping young leaders in the Canadian beef industry with these skills and resources, we are building a vibrant future for the industry that fosters sustainability, innovation, and global competitiveness,” said Nathan Phinney, President of the Canadian Cattle Association. “We are grateful to the sponsors who are partnering with us to make these opportunities possible for the next generation.”

An annual highlight of the Spring Forum is the Sponsor Reception, a special event celebrating the generous support of our program and event sponsors and the achievements of our young leaders in the beef industry. The event took place at the Bar U Ranch National Historic Site on May 31, 2023, providing an excellent opportunity for program participants to build long-lasting connections with sponsor and industry representatives.

Funding for the Canadian CYL Program is made available through generous Foundation Partners Cargill, MNP, McDonald’s Canada, and New Holland. The program also receives support from Gold Sponsors Farm Credit Canada, Elanco, RBC Future Launch, and Alltech. Thank you to our program sponsors who helped coordinate various tours and speaker sessions and made this year’s event a success!

New this year, we were also grateful to welcome event sponsors that include Spring Forum Prime Sponsor, Telus Agriculture & Consumer Goods; Spring Forum AAA Sponsor,; Spring Forum Professional Headshot Sponsor, RBC Future Launch; and our Spring Forum Friends of the CYL Sponsors, Cattle Health Management, and Friends of the Bar U Historic Ranch Association.

About the Canadian Cattle Young Leaders

Canadian Cattle Young Leaders (CYL) welcomes young people ages 18-35 across Canada, involved in various aspects of the beef supply chain, to be paired with an industry leader in their specific area of interest for a nine-month mentorship. Through mentorship, networking, and travel, the Canadian CYL Program acts as an industry succession planning tool to equip the next generation of leaders with the skills and tools they need to continue to drive the growth and profitability of the Canadian beef industry. Since established by the Canadian Cattle Association in 2010, the program has seen over 170 CYL graduates. Program applications are open annually for ages 18-35 on our website from early January to the end of March. Learn more at

About the Author

The CCA is the national voice for Canada’s beef cattle industry representing 55,000 beef farms and feedlots. Visit

Cattle Report

Updated: 14/03/2025


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Rail: 450.00-455.00 del


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Rail: 450.00-455.00 del

Choice Steers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
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Choice Heifers

Live: 200.00 (KN)
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Boner Cows

Over 500 lbs: 268.84

Canadian Dollar

$69.19   0.13

Livestock Price Insurance Index

Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
26-May-25 268 374 --
23-Jun-25 270 370 --
21-Jul-25 262 -- --
18-Aug-25 258 374 --
15-Sep-25 256 378 --
13-Oct-25 254 274 436
10-Nov-25 250 370 432
Last Updated on February 27, 2025