Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is partnering with farmers and ranchers in Alberta to increase profitability on marginal land.
Through the new Marginal Areas Program (MAP), DUC is supporting pollinator habitat and biodiversity, the development of buffer zones, and more.
The program offers $125/acre to seed challenging areas to perennial species, as well as a pollinator-friendly seed pack.
Farmers and ranchers interested in participating should visit or contact Janine Paly, Agricultural Programs and Extension Specialist, DUC, directly.
The following is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) included in Ducks Unlimited Canada’s fact sheet on the new Marginal Areas Program (MAP).
The Marginal Areas Program provides an option for farmers who’ve identified areas on their farm where:
Increasing perennial cover on the landscape benefits biodiversity, beneficial insects and wildlife, including waterfowl. Environmental benefits also include carbon sequestration and improving soil and water quality.
Farmers can source seed through the retail of choice. DUC provides establishment advice to program participants. The pollinator-friendly seed pack is sourced from a reputable seed company on the prairies and includes a mixture of short- and long-lived perennial species that improve the value of the stand for pollinators specifically.
DUC provides an incentive of $125/acre and supplies a bonus pollinator-friendly seed pack. The farmer is responsible for buying the forage seed mixture, establishing and maintaining the forage stand. The $125/acre incentive will be paid after establishment is confirmed.
Ducks Unlimited Canada supports farmers making more money by farming less land, and providing habitat at the same time.