In Alberta last week, weighted average fed steer and heifer prices closed the week around $241/cwt live, $0.50/cwt higher than the previous week. From their highs in June, fed prices have declined $23/cwt or 9%. Last week, dressed sales were reported from $402.00-403.50/cwt FOB feedlot. Cattle that traded were being booked anywhere from the second half of October to early November delivery. Light volumes of Western Canadian fed cattle were marketed into the U.S., these cattle will be priced on the five-area average. Over the past couple of weeks, Alberta fed prices have been trading at a $9.50/cwt discount against the Nebraska market.
Last week, the Canfax average feeder steer price was steady, while heifer prices strengthened $3/cwt. Week over week, the largest price increase was on 5-700 pound heifers with prices up $5-9/cwt. There were a few preconditioned calves on the market last week that have been weaned for 45+ days. With lighter volumes of pre-conditioned calves, no premiums were being paid compared to freshly weaned calves. The Western Canadian feeder index closed the week at $361.63/cwt, stronger than the previous week. Alberta auction volumes were just over 46,000 head, 9,000 head smaller than last year. Canadian feeder cattle exports to the U.S. for the week ending September 21st were 2,375 head.
Alberta D2 cows traded $1.50/cwt lower and live trade was reported from $170-189/cwt. D3 cows averaged $167.50/cwt. Alberta cow prices are trading at a $18/cwt premium against the Ontario market. Last week, butcher bulls traded $2/cwt lower, averaging $200.50/cwt, with a range from $180-225/cwt. Canadian butcher bull exports to the U.S. for the week ending September 21st totaled 664 head.