Ranchers are receiving recognition for their role in managing Alberta’s Crown rangelands with the creation of a new grazing framework.
The Rangeland Grazing Framework, announced Wednesday, outlines the standards for sustainable use and management of Alberta’s Crown rangelands, highlighting the contributions of grazing disposition holders in the stewardship of these public lands.
“The framework recognizes the long-held essential role that leaseholders have in stewarding Alberta’s Crown rangelands,” said Alberta Beef Producers Chair Brodie Haugan.
“The framework clearly spells out how grazing fits into Crown land management and helps bring peace of mind to ranchers that future policy will support their farms and their ability to steward Crown rangelands.”
With around eight million acres of Crown rangelands under grazing dispositions in Alberta, these lands support almost 14 per cent of the province’s cow herd, as well as ecosystem biodiversity.
Existing land use rights for both grazing leaseholders and recreationists are supported within the new framework.
“The Rangeland Grazing Framework also provides the agriculture industry with the continued opportunity to use the forage production of the rangelands for grazing while keeping biodiversity top of mind,” as stated in a press release from Alberta Forestry, Parks and Tourism.
“Alberta’s rangelands have long depended on grazing, with cattle now following in the footsteps of bison to help maintain ecological benefits such as watershed health, carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat, diverse plant and wildlife populations and aesthetic beauty.”
More information about the Rangeland Grazing Framework is available in this fact sheet and on the updated grazing and range management webpage.