Magnifying Glass

AB Direct - Steers

Live: ---
Rail: ---

AB Direct - Heifers

Live: ---
Rail: ---

US Trade- Steers

Live: 196.00-197.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: ---

US Trade - Heifers

Live: 196.00-197.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: ---

Canadian Dollar

September 15, 2023

What We’re Reading | Drought is more than a summer challenge

By the Beef Cattle Research Council

Drought has been a common occurrence on the prairies and many producers are familiar with the long-term consequences of dry conditions. Dry weather and feed shortages can have consequences that last beyond the summer season.  

“Drought is not just an issue when you are on pasture,” says Dr. John Campbell, veterinarian and professor at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. “Drought affects feed resources which results in feeding very different things than we are used to and can cause trickle down effects into winter and the following years.”   

Previous periods of drought have provided key learnings that can be useful in preventing further issues.  

Read More

‘What We’re Reading‘ is a quick look at some of the issues and insights Alberta Beef Producers’ content creators and editors are reading to stay up-to-date, to broaden perspectives, and to explore issues relevant to the agriculture industry.

Cattle Report

Updated: 07/03/2025


Live: ---
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Live: ---
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Choice Steers

Live: 196.00-197.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: ---

Choice Heifers

Live: 196.00-197.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: ---

Boner Cows

Over 500 lbs: 269.47

Canadian Dollar

$69.75   0.29

Livestock Price Insurance Index

Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
26-May-25 268 374 --
23-Jun-25 270 370 --
21-Jul-25 262 -- --
18-Aug-25 258 374 --
15-Sep-25 256 378 --
13-Oct-25 254 274 436
10-Nov-25 250 370 432
Last Updated on February 27, 2025