Magnifying Glass

AB Direct - Steers

Live: ---
Rail: 405.00-410.00 del

AB Direct - Heifers

Live: ---
Rail: 405.00-410.00 del

US Trade- Steers

Live: 181.00
Rail: 286.00-288.00 (IA, NE)

US Trade - Heifers

Live: 181.00
Rail: 286.00-288.00 (IA, NE)

Canadian Dollar



Bull Head


  • Apply for Rebates

    You could be approved for up to $2,500 or $5,000 on eligible expenses and equipment costs through the new Alberta VBP+ Incentive program! Check it out and start your application today!

    Learn More and Apply
  • Taylor Ranches receives 2024 Environmental Stewardship Award

    Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is proud to announce the Taylor family as the recipients of the 2024 Environmental Stewardship Award.

    Meet the Taylors
March 21, 2024 Health & Production

Stretching feed supplies after calving

ABP is excited to feature the writings of Barry Yaremcio, ruminant nutritionist and production management consultant. Barry is a trusted voice in cattle nutrition and forage production, operating Yaremcio Ag Consulting Ltd. This article was originally published on his BYOB Blog, which can be found on his website. If feed supplies are getting low, there are some options…

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December 12, 2022 Health & Production

Commercial cow-calf producers wanted for online feed testing survey

What’s your take on feed testing? Complete the Western Canadian Feed Testing and Ration Balancing Survey to share how you use feed testing or other methods of analyzing feed quality. This online survey is open to commercial cow-calf producers in Western Canada who run a minimum of 25 head. As the researchers behind the survey…

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May 19, 2022 Health & Production

The A-D-Es of vitamin supplementation

Ruminant Nutritionist Lynne Girardin provides supplement recommendations to support health in weaning calves. Getting calves off to a healthy start depends on a combination of factors, including good genetics, a healthy heifer, and ample, high quality colostrum. “A healthy cow means healthy milk, and healthy milk means a healthy calf,” suggests Lynne Girardin, ruminant nutritionist…

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February 17, 2022 Health & Production

Recommendations for managing heifer health pre-calving

Across Alberta last fall cattle came off pasture light. This is a serious concern, especially when it comes to preparing for and protecting the health of the next generation. We asked beef nutrition consultant Barry Yaremcio for some recommendations to support pregnant heifers through late gestation and calving. Here is his advice. Recognize unique requirements…

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December 16, 2021 Issues & Insights

Ensure next gen success with proper heifer nutrition

Supporting bred heifer nutrition presents unique challenges. How can producers ensure bred heifers get high health scores, breed and rebreed successfully going into winter after a dry year? We spoke to ruminant nutritionist Lynne Girardin to collect some helpful advice. When it comes to bred heifers, meeting nutritional requirements throughout gestation and beyond is primary….

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October 13, 2021 Health & Production

Fall Nutrition: Not a one-tub-fits-all solution

Ensuring a transition of optimal health and feed efficiency Alberta provides some of the best rangeland in the world – rolling native grasslands, wide-open spaces, and water – all crucial to raising healthy, profitable, world-class, Alberta beef. As cattle come back from summer pastures and into their fall and winter-feeding routines however, it is important…

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  • Apply for Rebates

    You could be approved for up to $2,500 or $5,000 on eligible expenses and equipment costs through the new Alberta VBP+ Incentive program! Check it out and start your application today!

    Learn More and Apply
  • Taylor Ranches receives 2024 Environmental Stewardship Award

    Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is proud to announce the Taylor family as the recipients of the 2024 Environmental Stewardship Award.

    Meet the Taylors

Cattle Report

Updated: 06/09/2024


Live: ---
Rail: 405.00-410.00 del


Live: ---
Rail: 405.00-410.00 del

Choice Steers

Live: 181.00
Rail: 286.00-288.00 (IA, NE)

Choice Heifers

Live: 181.00
Rail: 286.00-288.00 (IA, NE)

Boner Cows

Over 500 lbs: 268.15

Canadian Dollar

$73.96   0.10

Livestock Price Insurance Index

Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
2-Dec-24 220 304 --
30-Dec-24 -- -- --
27-Jan-25 222 302 --
24-Feb-25 218 302 --
24-Mar-25 220 300 --
21-Apr-25 226 306 --
19-May-25 230 308 --
Last Updated on September 6, 2024

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