This message was originally posted in Alberta Beef Producers’ 2023 Annual Report. You can find the PDF of the report here.
This year, ABP increased its investment in programs that support beef producers in Alberta. These programs centre around the commission’s priorities – government relations and policy; research and extension; marketing and communications; environmental stewardship; and stakeholder relations.
As a result, we saw some exciting initiatives develop. One of those initiatives was the recently launched consumer campaign, which saw collaboration and investment between ABP and Canada Beef. All Ways Alberta Beef showcases the variety of ways cattle are raised and beef is prepared and enjoyed. It offers beef consumers a chance to explore different perspectives along the supply chain, while inspiring creativity in cooking and appreciation for the premium product our province is known for.
We’ve also recently added an area of focus with the development of a new staff role in environmental stewardship. By creating this distinct focal area, ABP is ensuring producers have a voice in the ever growing conversations around environment and wildlife. This role will also help us strengthen our partnerships with conservation organizations and government agencies while promoting sustainable beef production practices.
We are committed to ensuring that ABP continues to strengthen its value to cattle producers in the province. And to achieve that, we need to hear from cattle producers directly. That’s why this fall and winter, ABP is engaging with cattle producers across Alberta through various engagement
sessions. These sessions will provide an opportunity for producers to share their thoughts on the current and future direction of ABP.
After hearing from producers at events in Lethbridge, Red Deer, Edmonton, Medicine Hat, and Grande Prairie, we will share the feedback at our annual Producer Meetings in January and February before planning a second round of engagement opportunities in 2024. We will also share the progress of these sessions as we welcome new and returning delegates at our Annual General Meeting, which will be held in conjunction with the Alberta Beef Industry Conference (ABIC).
Hosting our AGM at ABIC was a strategic decision by the board. It makes sense both logistically and collaboratively, and we are excited to be moving forward with it.
On that note, ABP continues to work towards enhanced collaboration with other organizations in the industry. This year, our Board of Directors invited Western Stock Growers’ Association (WSGA), Alberta Grazing Leaseholders Association (AGLA), Alberta Auction Markets Association (AAMA), Feeder Associations of Alberta (FAA), and Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA) to join in a similar arrangement that we already had with Alberta Cattle Feeders’ Association (ACFA), as non-voting guests at the board table. This has helped us gain valuable insights into various issues affecting the industry and fostered a positive environment for collaboration.
ABP continues to improve as a commission based on your involvement, building community among the beef industry as we work to better represent your interests.
– Brad Dubeau, General Manager, Alberta Beef Producers