The NRCB recognizes that many areas of the province are dealing with drought conditions. If these conditions continue into the 2024 growing season, they could cause poor grass pastures, lack of water for livestock, lack of harvestable forage crops, and the summer confined feeding of cow-calf herds may be necessary.
Under normal conditions, confined feeding during grazing season may be considered a confined feeding operation that requires a permit. However, due to the extenuating circumstances, the NRCB will not require producers to obtain permits for the 2024 grazing season, provided the following parameters are met:
Feedlot operators can also feed cow-calf pairs in their feedlot facilities during the summer months provided they don’t exceed their total permitted animal numbers.
The NRCB reserves the right to revoke these provisions should drought conditions change, or not develop to the extent predicted.
If operators have any questions about confined feeding of cow-calf herds during the grazing season in seasonal feeding and bedding sites or in confined feeding operations, due to drought conditions, contact Kevin Seward, NRCB Manager of Compliance at 403-331-0637.