Constructing without a permit is a serious offence The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) continues to see increased cases of unauthorized construction of pens, barns, catch basins, and earthen manure storage facilities at a number of confined feeding operations (CFOs). The Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) prohibits construction of a CFO, a manure storage facility,…
Are you thinking about installing roller compacted concrete (RCC) as a liner at your feedlot? You may need a permit under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA). RCC as a secondary liner (over an existing liner) If you are planning to install RCC over an existing liner for which you have a permit under AOPA…
Are you planning to expand or build a new confined feeding operation (CFO), manure storage facility, or manure collection area? If so, be sure your consultant is aware of the guidance for conducting subsoil investigations. Failure to follow this guidance could delay or otherwise impact your ability to obtain a permit under the Agricultural Operation…
Do you own a pre-2002 confined feeding operation? Help protect its future with a formal grandfathering determination from the NRCB Did your operation exist, or was it permitted by the county, before the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) came into effect on January 1, 2002? If so, now is the time to request a formal…
The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) has initiated a program to verify that the livestock population of feedlots permitted by the NRCB are within their allotted numbers. The Livestock Population Verification Program is a response to evidence provided by complainants indicating that some operators in Lethbridge County may be exceeding the livestock numbers in their…
The NRCB recognizes that many areas of the province are dealing with drought conditions. If these conditions continue into the 2024 growing season, they could cause poor grass pastures, lack of water for livestock, lack of harvestable forage crops, and the summer confined feeding of cow-calf herds may be necessary. Under normal conditions, confined feeding…
Do you have water well monitoring conditions attached to your confined feeding operation (CFO) permit? The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) has just published a new fact sheet outlining sampling methods and best practices for collecting water samples. You can find it here on the NRCB website: Sampling for Water Well Monitoring Fact Sheet. For…
The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) has updated its approach to the regulation of portable calf housing (hutches) in response to industry and market changes. Portable calf housing is no longer viewed as short-term manure storage under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act. More information is available in the NRCB’s new Operational Guideline 2023-1: Portable Calf Housing…
If you are planning to buy or sell a confined feeding operation (CFO) you should consider contacting the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) early in your process. Here’s what you need to know about your rights and obligations under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA). For the buyer Under AOPA, anyone who buys or otherwise…
The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) has released an updated Approvals Policy for confined feeding operations in Alberta. The 2018 policy was updated to improve transparency and clarity regarding Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) requirements and their interpretation, reflect current practices, and incorporate feedback that was received. The updated Operational Policy 2016-7: Approvals incorporates: The…
The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) recognizes that due to the current very dry conditions and poor grass pastures, summer feeding of cow-calf herds may be required. Under normal conditions, cow-calf confined feeding during the grazing period may be considered a confined feeding operation that requires a permit. However, due to the extenuating circumstances, the…
The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) has released an updated grandfathering policy for confined feeding operations in Alberta. Operational Policy 2023-1: Grandfathering (Deemed Permit) replaces two previous policies (2016-5: Determining Deemed Capacity for Grandfathered CFOs and 2016-6: Public Notice for Grandfathering Decisions) with a single combined policy. The new policy provides greater transparency and will…