Magnifying Glass

AB Direct - Steers

Live: ---
Rail: 460.00 del

AB Direct - Heifers

Live: ---
Rail: 460.00 del

US Trade- Steers

Live: 202.00-203.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: 320.00-322.00 (NE)

US Trade - Heifers

Live: 202.00-203.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: 320.00-322.00 (NE)

Canadian Dollar

(Photo by: Kara Oosterhuis/Alberta Beef Producers)
June 1, 2024 Health & Production

PlayCleanGo Awareness Week: Protecting our outdoor spaces

Play Clean Go is an annual event celebrated across North America, uniting outdoor enthusiasts in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. The mission? To prevent the spread of invasive species while enjoying our beloved landscapes.

The North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA) is hosting its annual PlayCleanGo Awareness week from June 1-8, 2024, across North America. This year’s theme is “Real People, Real Stories,” and the organization will be highlighting individuals and organizations that have demonstrated how they PlayCleanGo to protect their favourite places.

Invasive species pose a significant threat to our environment, economy, and human health. By following simple steps, each of us can make a difference in preventing new invasions and halting the spread of existing ones.

According to PlayCleanGo, the steps are as follows:

1.) REMOVE. Before venturing into the great outdoors, remove plants, insects, and mud from your boots, gear, and pets. Vigilance matters!

2.) CHECK. Inspect your tires on bikes and ATVs, ensuring no plant parts cling to them. Clean them before moving to a new area.

3.) CLEAN. Clean your gear thoroughly before entering and leaving any recreation site.

4.) STAY. Stick to designated roads and trails. Avoid venturing off the beaten path to protect fragile ecosystems.

5.) LEARN. Educate yourself about common invasive species. If you spot any, report them promptly.

You can participate on social media, by using the hashtags #PlayCleanGoWeek and #PlayCleanGo, and tag @PlayGleanGO in your posts to see who is joining the movement.

About the Author

Kara grew up on a grain farm near Bow Island, Alberta. After attending SAIT and the University of Calgary — where she obtained a degree in communication and media studies, and a diploma in broadcast news — Kara began her professional career working in agricultural communications and agricultural journalism. Kara now farms alongside her family and her husband on the family farm, where they raise a mix of livestock, crops, and barn cats.


Cattle Report

Updated: 14/02/2025


Live: ---
Rail: 460.00 del


Live: ---
Rail: 460.00 del

Choice Steers

Live: 202.00-203.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: 320.00-322.00 (NE)

Choice Heifers

Live: 202.00-203.00 (TX, KN)
Rail: 320.00-322.00 (NE)

Boner Cows

Over 500 lbs: 261.20

Canadian Dollar

$70.67   0.31

Livestock Price Insurance Index

Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
14-Apr-25 262 366 --
12-May-25 26 364 --
9-Jun-25 272 364 --
7-Jul-25 264 -- --
4-Aug-25 258 -- --
1-Sep-25 254 370 --
29-Sep-25 250 368 --
Last Updated on January 17, 2025