It’s been a whirlwind of a growing season, and it’s hard to believe we’re nearing autumn already. Our spring was mired by unprecedented wildfires, and despite our greatest hopes for precipitation, many of us are managing our way through yet another drought. Yet there is optimism – we are seeing historic demand and prices for…
If ever there was a time when we needed to come together as an industry, it’s now. We are stronger together, and we will need to be now to overcome the significant challenges we continue to face. Coming together is just what we did for the ABP Annual General Meeting (AGM) in early March. The…
As I sit down to write this column and share current highlights with you as the Chair of ABP, it has me thinking a great deal about what Alberta beef producers need to know is happening within our organization. But perhaps what I feel is just as important, is the fact that we need to…
As producers we have faced many hardships, but the extent of this year’s drought is staggering. It is so widespread it creates feelings of helplessness. We can’t make it rain, and we struggle to find feed for our animals. Thinking about the drought and how to address it has taken my full attention these past…
Born in Montreal and raised in Calgary, Melanie Wowk brings unique perspective, insights, and skillset to her elected position as Chair, ABP. In addition to her roles as Finance Chair and former Vice Chair, years as an ABP delegate and cattle producer, Melanie has led efforts within our industry as a cow calf veterinarian for over…