When wild boar were first brought to the prairies, experts suggested crossing them with domestic pigs for a bigger, more reproductive animal. Unfortunately, some of the traits that make them great farm animals, also make them a wildly successful invasive pest. According to Dr. Ryan Brook, wild pig occurrences occupy just over one million square…
Our fourth episode of The Bovine is now available! On this episode: Can you keep your grazing livestock off the grass a while longer? Masters student and host of ‘Forays into Forages,’ David MacTaggart, joins the show to talk about the general lifecycle of perennial plants, and how we can support forages post-drought. Pigs in…
Bob Weber, The Canadian Press One of the most destructive and rapidly spreading invasive species on the continent has been found for the first time in a Canadian national park. Wild pigs, which tear up landscapes and eat everything from roots to bird eggs to deer, are regularly present in Elk Island National Park —…
Spot a wild boar, tracks, or rooting in a lawn or pasture? Grab your phone. The Alberta Invasive Species Council (AISC) is asking Albertans to report feral pig sightings in a new initiative aptly named “Squeal on Pigs.” Wild boar (Sus scrofa) first came to Alberta in the late 1900s as livestock animals. Unfortunately, over…