This article was first published in Volume 3 Issue 4 of ABP Magazine (December 2023). Watch for more digital content from the magazine on ABP Daily. All producers who put their names forward for a position on the delegate body for 2024 have been acclaimed, and we will not be holding an election. Southwest zone candidates Cole Barten Cole…
Canadian beef producers continue to make significant progress in making their operations more environmentally sustainable thanks in part to research and extension efforts. “We’ve done a lot of work to quantify how beef producers are reducing their environmental footprint,” Dr. Kim Ominski says, citing results showing lower greenhouse gas emissions, water use and ammonia emissions per…
This message was originally posted in Alberta Beef Producers’ 2023 Annual Report. You can find the PDF of the report here. It’s a privilege to share my first report as President of the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) with beef producers from Alberta. This year has brought many challenges for beef producers across the country. It’s ranged…
The calendar flips to January, and suddenly it seems like spring isn’t all that far away. Especially when the winter is as mild as many parts of the Prairies have experienced so far. Looking ahead, it’s easy to wonder what is going to cause headaches for this year. Will it be a lack of rain,…
This article was originally posted on the Beef Cattle Research Council’s website on November 15, 2023. In beef production, genetics play a critical role in management and profitability. However, knowing whether you’re on the right track can be challenging. Compared to other livestock species, beef cattle have a long gestation period. Those 283 days, plus…
At Corns Seeds, they don’t just grow seeds, they also work with the plant breeders who develop those seeds. The Corns family has been farming for four generations. In that time, they’ve always focused on innovating to grow and keep the farm going for the next generation. “Land stewardship has always been a really big…
This message was originally posted in Alberta Beef Producers’ 2023 Annual Report. You can find the PDF of the report here. Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is committed to keeping producers informed and engaged on the issues that affect them. As part of its stakeholder relations portfolio, ABP celebrates producer achievements, encourages producer guidance, and shares relevant…
2023 has been a year of reflection, as well as a prime opportunity to look ahead to the future for the Canadian Cattle Youth Council. The youth council (formerly known as the Young Cattlemen’s Council) was established under the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) in 2013, to give young beef producers an opportunity to learn how…
This article was first published in Volume 3 Issue 4 of ABP Magazine (December 2023). Watch for more digital content from the magazine on ABP Daily. This fall was one for the books as producers saw record-high prices for cattle that headed to town, seeing anywhere from 20-40 per cent increases in prices from last fall. Producers were ecstatic…
This article was originally posted on the Beef Cattle Research Council’s website on September 13, 2023. Understanding the cost of developing replacement heifers is crucial for informed decision making. The most significant factor in heifer development cost is the opportunity cost of foregoing revenue from selling calves at weaning. Each heifer kept for the breeding…
This message was originally posted in Alberta Beef Producers’ 2023 Annual Report. You can find the PDF of the report here. ABP Magazine ABP magazine printed and distributed to more than 18,000 producers, auction market, and industry stakeholders across the province. 2023 marks the third volume of the ABP magazine, and based on producer feedback, we…
ABP’s producer-led research committee makes funding decisions after reviewing proposals received through the Agriculture Funding Consortium. Decisions are guided by the Five-Year Canadian Beef Research and Technology Transfer Strategy, and all full proposals undergo a scientific technical review. Over the last year, ABP committed $75,000 to five projects with a total project value of over…