Alberta Beef Producers has developed this page as a source of drought resources for cattle owners in Alberta. On it, you will find:
Includes: Updates from Government (and maps) | Drought Support and Resources | The Latest from ABP Daily | In the News | Looking after You
In January 2024, the Canada-Alberta Drought Livestock Assistance initiative expanded to 23 new regions and the application deadline was extended to February 22.
Livestock drought assistance expanding to new regions in Alberta
Shortly thereafter, the Government of Alberta authorized the Drought Command Team to begin negotiations with major water license holders in southern Alberta river basins. The hope is to complete at least one water-sharing agreement for each of the Red Deer River, Box River, and Oldman River basins. The water-sharing agreements will be entered voluntarily and are expected to be completed before March 31.
Alberta Beef Producers continues to work with the Government of Alberta to explore the possibilities of a potential disaster relief framework.
“Since the last report (May 2, 2024), another major storm system brought significant rains across much of the east-half of the province, ranging from more than 100 mm in the Cypress Hills, 30 to 70 mm through parts of the Central Region and 20 to 40 mm across the agricultural lands in the
North East Region (Map 1). In sharp contrast, most of the Peace Region received very little moisture, a condition that has been ongoing for several months now.”
Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is pleased to present Scott and Elan Lees of Soderglen South with the 2021 Environmental Stewardship Award for their outstanding commitment to environmentally sustainable beef production. Each year, ABP recognizes leaders in the cattle industry for demonstrating sound environmental stewardship practices that contribute to the land while improving productivity and profitability. Soderglen South is comprised of two ranches located in…
Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is pleased to present Scott and Elan Lees of Soderglen South with the 2021 Environmental Stewardship Award for their outstanding commitment to environmentally sustainable beef production. Each year, ABP recognizes leaders in the cattle industry for demonstrating sound environmental stewardship practices that contribute to the land while improving productivity and profitability.
by Mary MacArthurphoto credit: Prairie Song Photography The bitter cold that blanketed the prairies has eased. The sun is shining, the winds have calmed, the days are longer, and the Andrew family is reminded why they live and ranch in the Special Areas. It’s things such as the snowy owl that lives at the end…
Register by phone (Mon-Fri, 9:00-4:00): 1 (833) 827-4230
Register Online
(includes outside of province)
Toll Free (24/7): 1 (833) 456-4566
Text support (4pm-12am ET daily): 45645
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1
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