Here’s to another year of positive change in 2024! We’re crossing our fingers for high beef prices, great growing conditions, and policy that complements our industry. This fall saw the announcement of another AgriRecovery. The 2023 AgriRecovery was hard fought by both Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation and AFSC, and we are thankful for the government’s…
One thing that’s become really clear to me during our recent meetings throughout the province is just how resilient Alberta beef producers are during challenging times. We received a lot of really good feedback on producers’ experiences with the difficult things the industry is dealing with, like the drought and feed shortages. It’s amazing to…
Every day, thousands of cattle travel by trailer. Most of these animals are fit for the journey and experience no negative outcomes. However, there are instances where we must ask, “is this animal fit to load and be transported?” Updates to the Health of Animals Regulations Part XII, Humane Transport took effect in 2020. Now,…
We couldn’t be happier about the response to this program to date. A huge thank you to our producer participants, our partners and supporters, the AALL contract staff, Canfax Research Services, Nu Nenne Advisian Environmental, and our research leads and their teams from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the University of Alberta for getting us…
Fed cattle were under pressure to end 2023 in both Alberta and Ontario. The nearby Live Cattle futures moved around USD $20/cwt lower over a period of five weeks in November and December, hitting a low near USD $163/cwt in the first week of December, and turned feedlot margins negative in the process. Feedlot managers…
New castration bands containing slow-release local anesthetic provide pain relief for cattle during castration. Large animal veterinarians in Alberta will soon be providing producers with anesthetic-infused castrationbands made in Canada. While producers currently inject pain relief or give it topically, a new process, developed by Solvet and Alberta Veterinary Laboratories (AVL), impregnates existing latex elastration…
Always access support from a trusted accountant and knowledgeable lawyer when considering entering into a land lease with outside parties. Beef cattle producers are constantly looking for new operational revenue streams. Currently, solar energy companies are attempting to capitalize on these desires by offering what they deem long-term income opportunities in the form of land…
In the months following publication, most of the articles in the magazine find a second home on ABP Daily. And so should the cover, and some of the many faces that make this magazine possible. Published by Brad Dubeau,Alberta Beef Producers EditorLindsay Roberts CreativeTracy Irving Front Cover DesignZoe McMullen Writing Bruce DerksenDianne FinstadRobin GaleyDr. Elizabeth…
The mission of this organization is to strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of the beef industry for the benefit of beef producers in Alberta. This is achieved through the ongoing work and advocacy executed through our five pillars: Government and Policy – Advises on industry policies and government advocacy. Production and Extension – Provides policy…
Each winter many producers face tough decisions about which heifers to retain to breed as replacements, and which to sell or send to the feedlot. Recent record-high cattle prices have great influence over those decisions. It often begins with a visual appraisal…How does she look? How tall is she? What does she weigh? Is she…
Historical AgriStability analysis demonstrates that capturing full winter feed and pasture cost, along with removing feed inventory price swings during droughts, could significantly improve the responsiveness of the AgriStability program for Alberta’s cow-calf sector. A pilot study will be undertaken to determine the most appropriate program design under various winter-feeding practices. In early 2023, AFSC…
How do Canadians feel about beef – the product, the industry, its people and its practices? All of this is revealed in the latest public perception research from Public and Stakeholder Engagement (PSE), a national, check-off funded program jointly delivered by Canada Beef and the Canadian Cattle Association. Survey Specifics The public perception research is…