Unleash Your Creativity! Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is excited to introduce the Young Creators contest, an opportunity to showcase your creativity, passion, and knowledge of the beef industry! With tailored challenges and amazing prizes, this contest is designed to inspire and engage the next generation of beef industry leaders. Why Enter the Contest? Contest Categories…
Rodeo’s roots are firmly planted in ranching tradition, and the connection remains strong today among many of the sport’s top competitors. In fact, for rancher Scott Guenthner, the current Canadian Steer Wrestling Champion, the pull of life at home led him to choose a rodeo route limited to only Canadian events. While that still involves…
Weaning can be a stressful time on cattle operations, as calves are separated from mother cows. It’s a natural process, but ranch realities require it be herd coordinated and sped up from what would occur in nature. While much of the animal welfare research related to weaning has focused on calf stress and its implications…
When you aim to produce the ‘best beef in a better world,’ you’ve got a lot on your plate. But Sean McGrath tackles the target bite by bite. McGrath also appreciates that the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) process emphasizes principles and is adaptable on practices. “I know ranchers don’t like being told what…
2022 will be remembered as a year of near record high fall calf prices, but also a time when auction market owners were watching some looming clouds on the horizon. Not enough clouds, at least of the rain-filled type, showed up to save southern regions of the province from a third straight drought year. Ranchers…
Summer’s over and the bulls are ready for their winter off. They’ve made their contribution to production and can be off the active ranch radar. But the time has come to look beyond their seasonal service, to see if there’s room for management improvement. “We think about bulls getting semen tested in the spring, and…
Rain was the major spring cattle market influencer in Alberta. Lack of it meant early selling by some, while a few drops and the hope of more brought others in to buy. It became a fine line between gambling on the weather and prudent planning for a scarce resource. “We’ve had more of a selloff…
Heading for a warmer spot during the Alberta winter cold is what many make a regular journey. But Scott Guenthner chose to skip his usual winter hot spots this year, to stay at home on the ranch near Provost instead. Why? Because the two-time Canadian Steer Wrestling Champion decided it was time. He’s travelled the…
High feed costs and shortages mean feedlot owners face a tighter squeeze than ever. Helping them maximize their feed dollars by hitting the optimal market moment for their cattle is the goal of a genetic tool with an economic twist. A program called Q-sort from Saskatoon-based Quantum Genetix provides data in a simplified form to…
There’s more than one kind of branding going on at the MGM Cattle Company, and that’s just the way Meghan Marshall likes it. She’s a busy Mom and ranch hand, but throws her own unique enterprise into the mix, to make for a full and varied life she wouldn’t trade with anyone. The family’s livestock…
Auction markets are where buyers and sellers meet in the cattle business. They remain relevant and busy, and this year, are on the frontlines of drought’s impact on producers. Fears exist about another widescale reduction in the Alberta cow herd because of the hardships caused by the lack of rain. While it hasn’t fully materialized…
Is the vigor of your cattle herd waning? The genetic vigor, that is. It might be time to dig deeper than hide color to discover the actual genetic makeup, and then to refresh, the heterosis of your herd. The what? ‘Heterosis’ is the science term for the Hybrid Vigor factor, and while its known benefits…
Toilet paper panic, endless zoom calls and the renaissance of homemade sourdough bread. Those are just a few of the images likely to be long associated with the pandemic of ’20-’21. As producers, you know about the challenges the shutdown posed in your world, but what about at the other end of the food spectrum?…