Magnifying Glass

AB Direct - Steers

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AB Direct - Heifers

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US Trade- Steers

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US Trade - Heifers

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Canadian Dollar


Checking in with ABP

Bull Head


  • Last Call: Environmental Stewardship Award

    Do you know a beef producer who's making a positive impact on the environment? It's time to recognize their hard work and dedication!

    Nominate Someone Today
August 27, 2021 Checking in with ABP

Drought relief coming to Alberta livestock producers

Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is working closely with Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC), and the Governments of Alberta and Canada, as they develop a process for drought relief funding, as part of the AgriRecovery response for the province. We expect to see applications open in September, and will share the details as soon as we…

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August 25, 2021 Checking in with ABP

CCA shares election priorities for cattle producers

As federal campaigning ramps up, the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) is offering political parties some considerations for the cattle industry. CCA’s Federal Election 2021 Beef Cattle Priorities outlines facts about the beef sector; suggested priorities for platform documents and potential governing mandate letters; the industry’s role through COVID-19; specific action recommendations; and background on the…

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August 12, 2021 Checking in with ABP

Alberta’s beef industry seeks response to provincial AgriRecovery submission

Alberta’s beef industry is calling on the Government of Canada to respond to the AgriRecovery request submitted by the Government of Alberta. “We are anxiously awaiting a decision from the federal government on Alberta’s request for support through AgriRecovery. Every day producers are left facing uncertainty is another day closer to decisions that could have significant…

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August 10, 2021 Checking in with ABP

A virtual twist on mentorship and leadership opportunities

Over the past year, the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association  (CCA) has shifted much of its programming to a virtual format  to continue to offer unique career development opportunities  to the next generation of beef industry leaders. The CCA Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Mentorship Program was established in 2010 as a national initiative open to young people ages…

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August 6, 2021 Checking in with ABP

ABP welcomes government aid to combat drought

The Government of Alberta has committed to providing an immediate $136 million for Alberta’s livestock producers to purchase feed and water, and cover fencing costs. This much needed assistance will support farmers and ranchers through the devastating drought in Alberta. “Alberta Beef Producers has worked closely with the Government of Alberta to deliver on the needs…

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August 4, 2021 Checking in with ABP

Premier, Ministers see the impacts of drought first-hand

On July 31, Premier Jason Kenney, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Environment and Parks Jason Nixon and Associate Minister of Rural Economic Development Nate Horner, toured the dry conditions facing cattle producers at the Hale Ranch near Bassano, Alberta. The group, joined by Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) executive and staff, discussed…

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July 21, 2021 Checking in with ABP

ABP’s ‘Dealing with Drought’ town hall available online

Tuesday evening, Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) hosted a town hall on the drought, with updates and discussion around ABP’s current work, as well as considerations for production, and insurance. In the following video, you’ll hear presentations from: Melanie Wowk, veterinarian, cattle producer, and ABP Chair, Karin Schmid, ABP Production and Extension Lead, and Stacey Domolewski, Research…

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July 20, 2021 Checking in with ABP

CCA’s Virtual Town Hall available on YouTube

On Monday, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) hosted a producer town hall on drought and wildfire. The event started with an update on the immediate relief measures requested of federal and provincial governments. Then, Provincial Cattle Associations provided local updates on their situations. The whole group then took questions from participants. In the following recording, you’ll hear from…

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July 17, 2021 Checking in with ABP

Seeking producer feedback on CRSB Framework

Thanks to those of you who participated in the CRSB’s workshop on June 16 for the Consultation on the Certified Sustainable Beef Framework. We appreciate your contributions to our conversations on new trends and ways to improve the Framework.  Canadian Beef Industry sets ambitious goals for 2030 As part of the engagement process in our…

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July 15, 2021 Checking in with ABP

Ottawa ready to receive formal submissions for AgriRecovery

The federal government is ready to receive formal submissions for AgriRecovery, Canada’s Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau tweeted, following a Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Ministers of Agriculture meeting, Thursday. Minister Bibeau shared that the federal government is ready to help, asked provinces to invoke the late participation provision of AgriStability, and urged the prairies to…

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July 15, 2021 Checking in with ABP

Join CCA, ABP for virtual town halls

Editor’s Update: If you missed the town halls, they are now available online: CCA’s Drought and Wildfire Relief and ABP’s Dealing with Drought. Please join us for two town hall discussions, to discuss drought and wildfire relief on both a national and provincial level. Monday, July 19, 2021 – 11:00 a.m. PDT / 12:00 p.m….

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July 15, 2021 Checking in with ABP

In the News | Spreading awareness of drought on the prairies

As part of our work in pushing forward on the first steps to triggering AgriRecovery Framework, Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is working with industry stakeholders, government officials, and the media. Saving the Herd: Beef producers urging government action on drought relief This week, we’ve been invited to discussions with mainstream media, as well as agricultural…

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  • Last Call: Environmental Stewardship Award

    Do you know a beef producer who's making a positive impact on the environment? It's time to recognize their hard work and dedication!

    Nominate Someone Today

Cattle Report

Updated: 18/03/2025


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Choice Steers

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Choice Heifers

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Boner Cows

Over 500 lbs: 266.78

Canadian Dollar

$69.99   0.02

Livestock Price Insurance Index

Expiry Fed Feeder Calf
26-May-25 268 374 --
23-Jun-25 270 370 --
21-Jul-25 262 -- --
18-Aug-25 258 374 --
15-Sep-25 256 378 --
13-Oct-25 254 274 436
10-Nov-25 250 370 432
Last Updated on February 27, 2025