In the months following publication, most of the articles in the magazine find a second home on ABP Daily. And so should the cover, and some of the many faces that make this magazine possible.
Brad Dubeau,
Alberta Beef Producers
Lindsay (Westren) Roberts
Laura Laing
Tracy Irving
Ty Vanson
Zoe McMullen
Brenda Lee Schoepp
Brian Perillat
Dianne Finstad
Laura Laing
Lindsay (Westren) Roberts
Mary MacArthur
Robin Galey
Ryan Copithorne
Capital Colour
Advertising Opportunities
Megan McLeod
Editorial Content Specialist
Debra Murphy
Brad Dubeau
Information Updates
ABP is published four times per year,
by Alberta Beef Producers. No part
of this publication may be reproduced
without the written permission of the
Lindsay is the Marketing and Communications Manager at Alberta Beef Producers. She has an extensive background in agri-marketing, publication and brand development. Lindsay has a passion for creative storytelling and all things agriculture.
Laura Laing is a public relations and marketing and communications specialist and consultant, who specializes in agriculture. In addition to her full-time role as Owner and President of L.L Communications, Laura is also a cattle producer, who along with her husband, own and operate Plateau Cattle Company, just West of Nanton, AB, where they sustainably raise world-class, Alberta beef.
7 Lean Cows: Managing the lean years is key to longevity
Cool New Tools: Water smarter, not harder
Consumer trends through the pandemic
Protecting, preserving and proactive planning key to drought resilience and recovery
Creative discoveries at the meat counter
Bringing community and connection through COVID
Alberta youth speak up for agriculture
Fall Nutrition: Not a one-tub-fits-all solution
Reopening doors of opportunity
Marketing with a focus on health and welfare
This Too Shall Pass: Resilience and perseverance in the face of drought
Canadian Cattlemen’s Foundation supporting future industry leaders
Preserving and protecting the industry for producers
Alberta Beef Producers funding reaches critical turning point
Be prepared for on-farm emergencies
Out and about with Alberta Beef Producers
ACFA connects with government and community at Summer Tour Series
MOBO: The CLTS database at your fingertips
Taking care in difficult times
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