This article was first published in Volume 4 Issue 3 of ABP Magazine (September 2024). Watch for more digital content from the magazine on ABP Daily. Forward delivery feeder sales provide an indication of where prices may be heading this fall. It is also an opportunity to manage risk. Buyers who expect the market to turn higher during the…
In the months following publication, most of the articles in the magazine find a second home on ABP Daily. And so should the cover, and some of the many faces that make this magazine possible. ABP Magazine Published ByBrad Dubeau,Alberta Beef Producers EditorLindsay Roberts CreativeTracy Irving Front Cover DesignZoe McMullen Writing Dianne FinstadRobin GaleyBrenna GrantTaylor…
An RFID tag applicator, sometimes referred to as a “tagger” or as “pliers,” is the one vital tool every producer needs to make tagging cattle possible for our national traceability program. There are a lot of different applicators to choose from, and while they’re not all the same, they’re definitely not interchangeable with the different…
This research, lead by Gabriel Ribiero, was conducted at the LFCE at U of S and supported by ABP’s check-off funded research investments. A tapered forage finishing strategy is a practical approach beef producers can implement this season that may lower both liver abscesses and antibiotic use, without lowering production outcomes. The beef industry has…
During the month of May, volunteers from ABP, Cattle Feeders and Canada Beef, attended the “Home for Dinner” events at their local Ronald McDonald Houses across the province. This year we made it a goal to attend all four locations for Alberta: Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer and Medicine Hat. Depending on the location, the volunteers…
When you think of Mexico, you probably envision Tequila, Mariachi music, beaches and hot weather. Well, while there might not be beaches, the rest is quintessential Guadalajara, Jalisco – the birthplace of Tequila and Mariachi, and renowned for its hot climate. But what you might not have associated with this vibrant city is a cattle…
Good-bye plastic! Nature’s Net Wrap, developed on a ranch east of Edmonton, will provide ranchers with a sustainable alternative, eliminating plastic waste. Compostable bale wrap is available for beef producers through CNH Industrial dealers starting May 2024.Nature’s Net Wrap is made from 100 per cent plant-based, renewable resources. Cofounded by Alberta ranchers Austin Ruud and…
From April 10 to 14, Alberta Beef Producers attended the annual Stampede Aggie Days on the Calgary Stampede Grounds. Partnering with multiple agricultural organizations, we were excited to introduce the new Running with the Ranchers program, as well as engage with approximately 9,000 students between the grades of four and six. Our “More than the…
Proposals are received through the Agriculture Funding Consortium, undergo a scientific technical review, and then are evaluated by the producer representatives on the ABP research committee. Decisions are guided by the Five-Year Canadian Beef Research and Technology Transfer Strategy and consider scientific merit as well as benefits for the beef sector in the short, medium…
During the pandemic, we saw a drastic decrease in requests for education and in-classroom programming. While our ‘Beef in the Classroom’ materials are still current, we decided we needed a program that encompassed more than just ‘the beef,’ and engaged students in a more practical way. Over the past year, ABP has worked on restructuring…
With calving, processing, and planting underway and even complete in some areas, it won’t be long before producers will be moving the herds to summer pastures. It’s been a ‘relocation’ time for us here at the ABP office as well. At the end of April, we packed up the headquarters and headed just down the…
This year’s Annual General Meeting was held in conjunction with the Alberta Beef Industry Conference in Calgary, AB. Attendees heard updates from ABP staff; elected the 2024 Board of Directors, CCA and Beef Cattle Research (BCRC) representatives; saw discussion on resolutions; and had the privilege of hearing from the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, RJ…