2021 has been an interesting year for ranchers to say the least. A pandemic year caused the world to appear crazy and in “lockdown” while, those of us in rural communities, were dumbfounded about what this means to us. Quite frankly, most ranchers just put their heads down and went to work doing what ranchers…
It’s a tale as old as time: producers have a bag of extra tags laying around the barn “just in case.” But when activated tags are only used every once in a while, and the data associated with that tag isn’t updated properly, the impact is felt down the line, well after that cow has…
The dry weather this summer certainly impacted many producers’ marketing and winter feeding plans, but there was also some welcome moisture relief earlier this fall that took pressure off cow culling and allowed for a bit more orderly fall run of calves. That said fall offerings are larger, as less producers are backgrounding their calves…
As I sit down to write this column and share current highlights with you as the Chair of ABP, it has me thinking a great deal about what Alberta beef producers need to know is happening within our organization. But perhaps what I feel is just as important, is the fact that we need to…
Connection plays an integral role in our industry, and here at ABP we are no different. This past year our focus has been on communication and connection. Connecting and communicating with producers for re-engagement with our organization. Connecting with industry organizations and communicating with government tirelessly, on the dire drought situation facing producers. The support…