Actively engaging the Government of Canada on the priorities of the Canadian beef industry is a key focus of the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA). In early December 2021, Bob Lowe, CCA Past President, and Carley Henniger, President of the Young Cattlemen’s Council (YCC), had the unique opportunity to interview the Federal Agriculture Minister, Marie-Claude Bibeau,…
On a beautiful summer morning, Dina Battistessi and her family arrived at the historic CL Ranch, just west of Calgary. Dina, the owner of a preschool and an online influencer through her Instagram account, Move Play Mom, was excited to be on a ranch and had brought along a couple important guests. Her father, a…
The Alberta Beef Producers’ business website,, has recently undergone a facelift to streamline content between ABP – the organization, our consumer facing website (, and The site will primarily house documents and information related to the organization, including policy and legal documents, cattle practices, check-off information, research fact sheets, and the Environmental Stewardship…
The tenderloin is just that. Tender. It’s diverse, flavourful, you can roast it, cut it into steaks, grill it whole – so many options. For that reason, when at the grocery store or the butcher shop, the first thing I look for when searching for that perfect tenderloin, is one that is still in the…
Producers and stewards of the land know that many of the solutions to the world’s environmental crises lie in the soil beneath our feet. Healthier soil means more nutrient-dense food and healthier cattle. While many world leaders are focused on policies that reduce carbon emissions from the air through regulation and taxes, there are still…
Beef producers can now have a say to help ensure their animal health needs are met through local pharmaceutical manufacturing. An innovative, family-run Alberta business is manufacturing animal health products right here in Calgary to meet industry demands. Alberta Veterinary Laboratories (AVL) and Solvet work together to “innovate by request”—seeking industry input about products that…
For the Fossen family of south central British Columbia (B.C.), applying proper stewardship to forage and water management on their private land as well as Crown range pastures not only benefits the environment, it makes good business sense for their ranching operation. As the second and third generation on the Bar 7 Ranch near Rock…
Alberta beef tenderloin – a delicate and delicious favourite at the meat counter. Beef consumers have a longstanding love affair with beef tenderloin. It is a favourite at the meat counter and understandably so. Beef tenderloin is widely regarded as the most tender cut of beef. Part of the long loin, the tenderloin is the…
On July 11, CCIA brought tag distribution in-house and closer to industry. Moving away from a third-party provider allows producers to buy closer to the source and access any approved tag on the market, at competitive prices. The webstore has been revamped to provide a seamless shopping experience which is mobile-responsive, so you can…
Summer’s over and the bulls are ready for their winter off. They’ve made their contribution to production and can be off the active ranch radar. But the time has come to look beyond their seasonal service, to see if there’s room for management improvement. “We think about bulls getting semen tested in the spring, and…
The ABP annual consumer campaign kicked off in July, asking consumers “How do you burger?” The contest wrapped September 1, with connoisseurs leading the pack in the way Albertans take on their favourite burger. “Whether you are a ‘Connoisseur,’ a ‘Squisher,’ a ‘Tipper,’ or a ‘Stealer,’ there are many ways toenjoy a juicy burger prepared…
In June, Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) aligned with cattle producers and organizations across the country calling on Health Canada to exempt ground beef from the proposed front-of-package (FOP) regulations. As part of the Government of Canada’s Healthy Eating Strategy, proposed labelling regulations included a requirement for ground beef sold at retail to carry a “high…