In the months following publication, most of the articles in the magazine find a second home on ABP Daily. And so should the cover, and some of the many faces that make this magazine possible. Published by Brad Dubeau,Alberta Beef Producers EditorLindsay (Westren) Roberts Co-EditorLaura Laing CreativeTracy IrvingTy VansonZoe McMullen WritingBrenda Lee SchoeppBrian PerillatCraig LesterDianne…
Waking up early to do farm chores before school, shovelling grain, watching your parents do the financial books, or seeing them running out in the middle of the night to pull a calf are all things kids who grow up on a farm see first-hand throughout their childhood. Cattlemen’s Young Leaders graduate spotlight For Sabrina…
Following the recent downgrade in Canada’s BSE risk to negligible status, there is hope that the animal health sector will focus more attention on production-limiting diseases, like Johne’s and Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD). Reopening doors of opportunity Both Johne’s and BVD present challenges for producers through detection, transmission, and production. We sat down with veterinarian…
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in the November issue of ABP Magazine (Volume 1 Issue 4). Since that time, one of the candidates in the Northeast Zone is no longer running. As a result, the remaining three positions are acclaimed. This article has been altered to reflect that. Central Candidates: Acclaimed Martin Clausen, together…
The Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Mentor Program is celebrating its 2019 and 2020 graduates. The graduates this year have proven to be a resilient group in finding creative ways to maximize opportunities through the program amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The CYL Program, delivered through the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, was established in 2010, where young people…
Digital has replaced a lot of handwritten records, but move away from the trusty, dog-eared, fit-in-your-pocket farm supply store cow record notebook? Well, it looks like even that ‘sacred cow’ has got some stiff competition… from BETSY. BETSY, or ‘Bovine Expert Tracking and Surveillance,’ brings the same approach applied in precision farming to the ranching…
Update: This article was originally published in the November issue of ABP Magazine (Volume 1 Issue 4). Since that time, one of the candidates in the Northeast Zone is no longer running. As a result, all three positions are acclaimed. ABP delegate nominations closed following our Semi-Annual Meeting at the end of October. An election…
When you have nearly 65,000 followers on Instagram watching you work your magic on the barbeque, you must be doing something right. Mel Chmilar Jr. is an Alberta welder who began cooking for his buddies at the shop in Edmonton. It only exploded from there. “When I was 18 or 19, the guys would come…
As you walk across a drought-stricken perennial forage stand, you’ll hear the crunch of dry grass, and see the cracking of soils, eager for more rain. There may be enough grass to inspire hope, to catch snow, and to offer a quick start to next year’s grazing season. Or, there may not. Perhaps this…
Looking through the windshield of a vet truck At Veterinary Agri-Health Services, we start every fall run with the notion, “It’s going to be interesting!” With drought plaguing the prairies and $9 barley, this year is guaranteed to exceed expectations. Nevertheless, calves are steadily making their way into the yards and many of us are…
Pliny the Elder, the first-century Roman naturalist, stated in his Natural History that the Moon “replenishes the earth; when she approaches it, she fills all bodies, while, when she recedes, she empties them.” The moon connects us, guides us. It presents a moment of rest and reflection. A chance to revel in our successes and look…
Developing digital options to support beef producers has been slow, but Alberta-based company Flokk Systems is taking a bold step forward. Their digital beef herd management and traceability system, now undergoing field testing, is receiving attention from producers and entrepreneurs alike. “Flokk will provide cow/calf producers with the ease of use and functionality for their…