We’re back for the August episode of our podcast, The Bovine. On this episode, you’ll hear about the recently announced expansion of the Living Laboratories Initiative, the skills needed to DIY a plastics compactor, our #howdoyouburger summer contest, and why one analyst says there are positive movements coming for beef markets. Living Laboratories Initiative Karin Schmid of Alberta Beef Producers and Sheri…
Welcome to another edition of The Bovine! On this episode, you’ll hear Karin Schmid, Beef Production and Extension Lead, ABP, takeover the host seat as she tours The Farm – Rocky View Schools’ new on-farm learning initiative. Karin speaks with teacher Matt Chomistek and grade 10 students enrolled in the program. More information is available…
Welcome back to another episode of The Bovine! (If you haven’t heard, that’s the name of our monthly audio show.) On today’s episode, hear: ABP Delegate and Medicine Hat area farmer, Craig Lehr, with an update on the dry conditions in his area; Akash Asif from the Centre for Suicide Prevention on men’s mental health,…
Happy May! A new month calls for a new episode of The Bovine! Kicking off this month’s show, host Debra Murphy takes a dive into our social media and some of the chatter about our last podcast on wild pigs. Wild pig distribution and eradication on the prairies Then: Alberta Invasive Species Council‘s Executive Director,…
When wild boar were first brought to the prairies, experts suggested crossing them with domestic pigs for a bigger, more reproductive animal. Unfortunately, some of the traits that make them great farm animals, also make them a wildly successful invasive pest. According to Dr. Ryan Brook, wild pig occurrences occupy just over one million square…
After a tough, dry year, many livestock producers are struggling to decide how long they can wait to put animals on stressed forage stands. According to David MacTaggart, a University of Saskatchewan Masters student, a general rule of thumb is to try to wait until around the four-leaf stage before turning animals into grass-based pasture…
This episode of The Bovine focuses on two topics relevant to the beef industry — youth involvement in the industry and managing agricultural plastics. For the first segment, host Debra Murphy talks to returning Finance Chair, Brodie Haugan, about his experience as a young delegate. Haugan then takes the host chair to introduce past delegate…
Alberta Beef Producers’ (ABP) 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held in Red Deer this year, with an online component for guests who wanted to join virtually. Attendees heard from members of the ABP executive, staff and the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. “It was just fantastic to see people, to talk to people, to be able…
The Bovine is a podcast that shares the latest industry news to the comfort of your chore tractor, on your walks through the heifer pens, or to your favourite arm chair. The Bovine After seeing overwhelming support for our January launch of The Bovine, we have now published our second episode of the season! Watch…
Today, we’re launching our first episode of The Bovine, a podcast that shares the latest industry news to the comfort of your chore tractor, on your walks through the heifer pens, or to your favourite arm chair. In an effort to connect Alberta’s beef industry and share some of the work happening at Alberta Beef…
Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) is offering information in audio format, in a new initiative called ‘Simply Verified Beef – The Podcast.’ “The Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) Program is a great volunteer program across Canada,” says Bree Patterson, VBP+ Coordinator from British Columbia, in the introductory episode (Episode 0) of the new podcast. “It’s…